about us
NA LIGHTSTYLE is a Architectural Lighting Design Office which was founded by MSc. Architect Nergiz Arifoglu and has working any kind of lighting projects since 1996.
We do our works like an architectural design office which is specialised only in lighting dicipline. Our office has the flexibility to improve most reliable & economic & creative solutions because of it's independency. We form the lighting investments in a proper way. While we create the best atmosphere, we consider also efficiency, long term usage, investors profit, innovative solutions, etc.
"LightStyle is quality of lifestyle" is our main motto. As general approach With the light of knowhow & experiences, our highly qualified professional team analizes the needs in all aspects. This brain storms exposes unique & integrated solutions with enviromental, architectural, electrical, financial aspects.
Leading the culture on market sets our point of view. We think that a part of our business is attracting the attention to lighting design. Because of this responsibility we share all knowledge to create an aura around Architectural Lighting Design Culture on any platform.
Although the professional lighting design & consultancy is quite new as a profession; our dreams mixed experiences direct us to lead the light as a tool of designing life.
With our contributions, willing and with our light, we will be here for you.